Eight Months

Dear Savannah,

Today you are eight months old. You have turned into a little person while I wasn’t looking.

A little person that has definite likes and dislikes (likes: sweet potatoes, blueberries, bathtime, drinking water from a straw or a glass, keys, squealing like a pterodactyl, pulling hats off your head, daddy when he comes home from work, clapping, sitting up. Dislikes: bananas, avocados, not being picked when you demand it, teething, toys that fall out of your reach, putting all the toys to ‘sleep’ after bathtime, eating when you are tired, not having words).

I put you in the front part of the shopping cart the other day for the first time because I forgot your carrier. You seemed so pleased with yourself for being such a big girl – I almost cried right there in Babies R’ Us. It was just yesterday that you could barely hold your head up and look at you now! You can sit, clap your hands and splash the water in the bathtub.

You have also accepted your genetic destiny and have grown hair like crazy. I am happy that you got mom and dad’s thick hair. For a while there, we weren’t sure that was going to happen.

You still aren’t that keen about crawling, but have found something even cooler – standing! We have so much fun standing at the windowsill watching the tree blow in the wind and the neighborhood cat lie on our deck.

Books have become an important part of your life. I love how you clap your hands and wiggle all over when I pull out a book to read to you.

We love you more every day and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in month 9!

christine, grace, molly, sean, derk - Happy Nine Months Savannah! love all your deible cousins :)

Stealth Crawler

OK, missy, explain yourself! How is it that I can put you with your head facing north in your crib at one side and when I come to get you up from your nap, you are facing south at the opposite end of your crib? huh? How’d you get over there?

I know that mobile is down there and it’s fun to grab, but why aren’t you crawling when you’re not in your crib?

Oh, I see, complaining until I give you what you want is a much more effective strategy.

Help, please!

When I was pregnant I used to say “Well, I don’t want my house to look like a toy store.” and then when Savannah was smaller: “Oh Savannah doesn’t have that many toys.”

Please view Exhibit 1:

That little basket next to her used to hold all of her toys.

It seems that I am now in need of some new storage. Helpful people of the internet I need your advice! I am looking for some toy storage that is good looking, probably made of wood and is large enough to hold a good bit of stuff, but not a huge bookcase or anything. It’s going to be in what is actually our formal living room (we don’t have furniture for it yet, and probably won’t for a while) so I don’t want it to be pink or too cutesy. I’ve checked out Target, Pottery Barn Kids and Ikea and no luck. I would love some suggestions if you have any.


christine - I’ve used a big wicker trunk from Pier 1 for Grace and Molly for years and just bought another trunk at Target for Sean’s stuff too! Antique wood trunks work too! Good Luck!

T w e e t !
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M o r e   i n f o