Savannah at Sweetfest

The family went to a desert festival this weekend called Sweetfest. It was a great day. I realize you probably shouldn’t post pictures of bad parenting decisions, but below is Savannah’s first taste of a Hawaiian Shave Ice (also known as a sno-cone, depending on your geographic region – we have lots of Hawaiians here in Seattle). I especially enjoy the third picture where she is deciding if she likes it.

Smarty Part II

Since Savannah spent so much of her early life on her back, anything up on the ceiling (ceiling fans, murals, beams) was fascinating. She loved laying on her back in the dining room looking at the chandelier and would laugh everytime I said “chandelier”. Currently, she enjoys Conor holding her up so that she can touch it.

This evening, we were sitting at the kitchen table finishing up dinner and I said to Conor “Why don’t you two go in the dining room and play while I clean up. She can touch the chandelier.” At that moment, Savannah looked up at the light fixture over the kitchen table. Conor and I freaked out and kept asking her “Where’s the chandelier?” She looked up at the light EVERY TIME, ya’ll! (I’m sure her internal monologue was “You IDIOTS! It’s right there! I keep telling you!”)

That is some serious vocab for an almost nine-month old.

Cute and smart.

Lazy Blogger

I have been a lazy blogger lately for lots of reasons. I’ve been super busy with work, but am now done with weddings for a while. I just have to wade through my reprint orders and process a few things and then I will be caught up and might have a chance of cleaning my bathrooms and getting some business accounting done (this is the time that my business degree comes in handy).

However, even when I’m busy, I do love my job. It sure beats getting bossed around by a bunch of idiots in the banking world. It’s also the perfect mommy job as I have a super cool husband who is amazing with our baby and is completely willing to give up his Saturdays to watch her.

Also, who doesn’t love making pretty things like this:

Savannah is doing well. Still no progress on the crawling. She is so frustrated. She wants things and looks at me like “Are you going to get that?”. I’ve recently been letting her fuss around on her tummy for a while, but I don’t like her to just be upset all day long. It’s so perplexing to me as she was so early in holding up her head and rolling over. She does love standing and ‘walking’ though. She’s got no balance yet, but can lift her feet and move pretty well if we’re holding her hands. She hasn’t figured out that she can pull herself up onto things. That will probably be in a month or so.

We had a fun weekend and I of course have some pictures. I’ll get some things updated during the afternoon nap.

christine - Shannon, That’s the coolest wedding picture i have ever seen!!
i think savannah not crawling yet shows off her easy going personality…she’s got lots of time :)

rich - The rumor from Grandma is that Savannah’s Great Uncle never did crawl.

T w e e t !
F r i e n d s   o f   T h e   S J B
M o r e   i n f o