Rehearsal Night

The Thursday night before Damian and Claire’s wedding I was woken by a small voice on the monitor at 3 AM saying “Mama, my ear hurts. Mama? Come Mama, my ear hurts.”

Savannah has NEVER had an ear infection. It’s not something I was prone to either, so I’m thinking it’s one of the good genetic qualities of mine she inherited.

However, as I walked to her room, I couldn’t believe the timing on this one. A day and a half before the wedding – awesome. It’s amazing how quickly your brain can reprioritize the next day’s schedule when you have a sick child at night. I was thinking I would just miss the luncheon Claire had planned, get her into the doctor in the morning and about 36 hours of antibiotics should get her through the wedding. I will admit to a slight bit of panic.

I gave her some Motrin and she asked if she could sleep with me, which she never asks for, so I scooped her up and we went to camp out in the guest bedroom, thinking we would have more room – more on that bit of magical thinking later.

It turns out that she was fine. I think she had just slept weird on her ear and it was sore and woke her up. Double Phew. However, I don’t know if you’ve ever slept with a four year old, but it was the absolute WORST night of sleep I’ve had since she was a newborn. She wacked me in the face, she kicked me, she ended up sleeping in my hip. Seriously, I don’t know how she doesn’t wake up tired with all that moving around!

About 4:00 AM, she even fell off the bed. I heard a thump and then a ‘I’m OK! I’m OK! Mama – I fell off the bed!”

This is a long story I’m writing down mostly because I want to remember it, but also to tell you that the next day, we were a wee bit tired. Savannah had a complete meltdown during the wedding rehearsal as she was so tired and confused about what she was supposed to be doing.

However, I did get a few cute pictures on the balcony of the hotel before said meltdown. I love this dress on her SO much and the hands in the pockets just kills me.

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