Quick POTD Break from Vacation Photos

This summer has been a whirlwind. I still haven’t really recovered from the big vacation. Here are a few fun photos of late.

Her dinner wear – wings and a tiara. As you do.

Our little person is very good at her letters. She is pretty much reading at this point, which is a little scary. She is constantly sounding things out. Here she is drawing a picture of Conor (this was the week he was in Seattle and she was missing him). She wrote Daddy with very little help from me.

A little park time.
With Gaga B in the barn
She has been attending this Art camp put on by our Parks and Rec for the last three weeks. It has been great for her. The other day I picked her up looking like this.
She is a moo cow and is mooing in the photo. The best part of this is that Conor and I had a dinner with one of our high school teachers. (She currently lives in Cairo and was back in Austin for a few weeks). I had a shoot before hand (Hi Whitakers!) so Conor had to take her to dinner. She ABSOLUTELY did not want to wash this cow face off, so this is how she went out to eat. Yea for 3 1/2!
She also wanted me to let you know that she is a holstein cow in this photo. (We have a cow book that discusses the different breeds of cows. Random story – There are cows all over the place in Ireland and possibly the moment she got the most excited was when she saw a Dutch Belted Cow live in person. “Mama! A Dutch Belted!!!” Hilarious. )

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