Month 35 1/2

So here we are at month 35 1/2 and just as I was saying that nothing dramatically different happens anymore, you have done a lot of new and interesting stuff. I figured I should get this one in before the big 3 comes in a few weeks.

The big one is that you rarely refer to yourself in the third person anymore. It happened overnight I swear. One day you were telling me that “You don’t want breakfast” “You want to watch Einsteins””You will go outside” and then the next you’re referring to yourself as “I”.

It’s great, but, as predicted, it also makes me a little sad, because it was so cute. I do think it’s going to help other people understand you better though. I suppose that I can enjoy the fact that you do still say “Savannah would like the blue crayon” occasionally.
You ask questions non-stop. Who’s that? What’s that? Why are we going here? How do you spell that? You also repeatedly ask what happens if I make ‘X’ bad choice? It’s like you’re weighing the punishment options to see if it’s worth it (Oftentimes it is, to you).

School is going well, although you did tell me the other day that “I already know all my letters”, so I think you are looking for a little more challenege. You really, really want to read and are trying so hard to figure it out for yourself. You know all the letters and numbers by sight and know the sounds that all the letters make. You can recognize your name, which I think is amazing, and you can spell ‘pig’ and ‘moo’.

You are picking up some bad behavior at school. I suppose it’s going to happen. There is a shover at school and lately when you get frustrated you will try to push me. I don’t like that.

The teachers say that you can be a handful, but in general you have good days and bad days just like all kids. In general I think they like you though. We are working very hard on having you make good choices, but your will is strong and sometimes you don’t care how much you get punished, you are going to do what you want dangit! I have pondered whether to put you up for sale several times in the last months. It is a blessing and a curse to have a highly motivated, stubborn, very active little girl. I do wish for a little less drama in the next year. I know that it comes from frustration on your part, but it is tiring.

Speaking of which we are trying to potty train. We had a big victory in that you pee-peed on the potty the other evening, but in general, you are not thrilled with the whole concept. I have resorted to massive bribes. We’ll see if that works.

Crafts are still a favorite. We spend a lot of time with the glitter pens and sequins and stickers. Stickers are on every surface of this house. I got the most amazing craft project from you the other day in school. I showed up and your teacher ran over to me and said “You have to see this.”

It was this perfectly straight, beautifully made caterpillar. She said that you sat and were very quiet and made this perfect catepillar all by yourself. I took a peek at some of the other kids and she was right – yours was perfect compared to theirs.

You were very interested in the voting process this year and can proudly tell everyone who our next President is (plus who everyone in the family voted for). You even cast my ballet by pushing the big red button.

Ballet is going very well. I am amazed at how it has helped your coordination. You run around the house saying “First Position, Second Position” while demonstrating your technique. You can also chasse with the best of them now. When we were down with the stomach flu, you begged and begged to go to ballet class (all while puking). I’m glad you like it.

Some girliness has also kicked in the last few months. If something is sparkly or fancy, you are right on it. Hair bows are becoming a favorite (“Mama, where is my beautiful pink bow?”). You also have veeeery strong opinions about what you wear. I rarely get to pick out your clothes anymore – I merely try to suggest something resembling an outfit.

You’re not princessy or into that whole Disney part yet, which I am thankful for. This also may have something to do with me changing the words of ‘Someday My Prince Will Come’ to have the Princess decide to go to Graduate School instead of waiting around for a prince. Nature v. Nurture.

You are still pretty shy and would rather play by yourself quietly than run around with other kids, but you do like other kids, so that is encouraging. You are constantly talking about all of the kids that you know and how much you like them. You’re a bundle of fun once you warm up to people.

We still love watching Einsteins and Charlie and Lola. You have hilariously picked up a British accent from Lola. You now call your fox, previously know as “Foxy’. “Fauxy”. It’s very funny. We have also enjoyed Mary Poppins and A Bug’s Life on DVD.

All in all, I can’t believe we are coming up on three!!!!!

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